Are you happy with whatever you have? Are you grateful for the things you have or once had? If the answer is YES, then you know how to enjoy your life. If the answer is NO, then the following story will change your perspective on life.

We all believe that the universe exists. We cannot see but can feel existence, yet we know this world and everything in it belongs to this universe. Just like they say, a watch without a watchmaker is not a watch. There cannot be a picture without an artist. In the same way, this world would have been nothing but for its maker, whom we called the universe.

The Powerful Story of The Power of Gratitude

We all know the maker or creator is greater than the creature he makes. We cannot even imagine the true power that truly exists. The energy we feel through our mind, heart, or soul is all because of the different energies that prevail in this universe.

At a time of difficulty, I took all the pain, and you were carried on my shoulders, that’s the reason you saw only two footprints at that time.

Whatever has been given to us and everything we possess is a gift to us. That does make us happy, but we often forget the source we get it from. Now, let’s understand this by beginning this story.

A story is told of a pious old man who had a strange DREAM. He was deeply spiritual and visibly followed all the moral and ethical codes.

One night he was given a glimpse of the major incidents in his life. He dreamt that he was always accompanied by another person. He could even see the footprints of two people moving along. But on certain occasions when he was in real trouble and difficulty, he could see only the footprint of one person.

He realized that at such moments his companion has deserted him, and he had to face the struggle all alone. One day he listened to a voice that said: It was me who was accompanying you. And I’m your inner soul.

The old pious man was saddened, he told: You’re a very bad companion. Because you left me alone in a time of difficulty.

And his inner soul smiled and assured him with an answer: The footprints you saw in times of difficulty belonged to me, not you. At such a time of difficulty, I took all the pain and you were carried on my shoulders, that’s the reason you saw only two footprints at that time.

We always take care of our outer beauty and not our soul, who’s been with us all the time. The universe has given us such a precious gift to cherish, and we often lack being thankful for what’s there in ourselves.

Life can change its course, once we start to recognize who we really are, and what we truly possess.

The universe lies within us; we become proud and assume that we got everything of our own merits, but no, we get those things because we put too much to sacrifice our souls.

Be thankful for that another YOU. Which can take everything away from us without any notice. We are dependent. We should be thankful for the universe to keep our other selves within which keeps us safe in our difficult times.

Be thankful and show gratitude for your other self within. Because it all starts from within.

Write one thing below that you’re grateful for today. 🙏